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About Me

Hello, I am Arati. I am a Full Stack Web Developer with Certification from the University of Washington, Graduated with a Bachelor's of Engineering from the Shivaji University, India. Holds experience in project management, frontend, backend, and UI design to create user-friendly applications. Has strong self-discipline, collaborating skills within the team, positive attitude towards creative problem-solving. My goal is to create eye-catching websites. I have a exerience working on projects ranging from small, personal web applications. I studied Computer Science. In addition, I have a strong knowledge in Java, Data structure and Cloud Computing. I believe to become successful at anything you must have specific goal and to achieve that goal they must have specific objectives which acts a ladder to achieve the goal.

Skills :

Java, C, javasript, HTML5, CSS3, Json, Express, Ajax, API, React, Nodejs, Sql, NoSql, Mongodb, MERN, Git, Github, Heroku.