My Project Work



This is a site showing a quick overview of current COVID-19 conditions in potential travel destinations, condensed into 4 key numbers based on population.


Spontaneously Now!

This app is a search engine that helps users make spontaneous decisions of what to do when they have some free time! The app also doubles as a journal to keep track of favorite memories from spontaneous adventures the app may have offered. Also a journal to plan for future activities. Make the most of the now with Spontaneous Now!



Pawsitivity - a fun, easy solution to bring the right pet into your home. As a user, you are able to create a profile that outlines the type of environment you reside in and select your preference for the type of animal you would like to add to your family.

screenshot of weather dashboard


This app is a search engine that helps user to serach their favorite books with google books. This is a Mern application


Workday Scheduler

A single-day planner that saves text inputs and color codes by the hour depending on if the planner event is in the past, present or future as indicated by the colors: grey, red and green.

screenshot of weather dashboard

Code Quiz

Harry Poter Quiz.